The Story So Far Part 2: Final Milestone Update
For the purposes of this report, we’ll be referring to our revised list of milestones. Throughout the quarter, our list of milestones has grown longer and longer to the point that the original list of milestones is comical. Additionally, some of our original milestones weren’t thought through very well. For example, some are in fact dependent on the whole project being done so they are redundant as milestones. For another example, consider the milestone we had of hooking up 6 solenoids. That milestone has building a mount as a prerequisite so it doesn’t make sense for that to be first. In short, we ended up changing a lot of dates to be more sane. And finally some of our milestones simply ended up being absorbed by others. So, without further ado here’s our current milestones:
Completed (Pictures/Video follows each set of milestones)
Open/close solenoid (Completed! – April 11th)
Connect solenoid to bottle (Expected – April 19) (Completed! – April 20th)
Consistently dispense one ounce (Expected – April 20) (Completed! – April 20th)
Run peristaltic pump with just one mixer (Expected – May 1) (Completed! – May 3)
This picture actually has two
Set up the BeagleBone (Completed! – May 3)
Use Johnny-five to control the solenoids/pump from the BeagleBone (Completed! – May 3)
Create a settings page for OTTO (Completed! – April 23)
Create a menu page for OTTO (Completed! – April 27)
Create an “Add a Recipe” page for OTTO (Completed! – May 12)
Almost Complete (with commentary)
Rig up all 6 liquor solenoids (Expected – May 21)
We’ve made good progress on assembling the caps and just need to add a bit of glue to make them permanent. Then, we’ll just need to cut some wire and hook it all up to the power supply.
Extend pump with 6 mixers and solenoids (Expected – May 31)
We’ve hooked up 4 of the mixer solenoids to the pump and the power supply. The only thing left is to repeat what we’ve done for the remaining 2.
Mount everything (Expected – May 21)
We’ve devised a mount that works although it does look a bit ugly. We’re working on developing something nicer. If we have to we’ll use the less visually appealing bottle mount.
Solder everything (Expected – May 24)
We’ve started running all the wires, but we’ve just tied them in. Once we decide exactly what we want we’ll solder and use heat shrink wrap to make it all permanent.
No Work Done
Implement a queue for OTTO (Expected – June 1)
Add a weight sensor to detect a glass (Expected – Whenever (if) we have time)
Even though we’re still on track to finish, it looks like we won’t have time to implement some of our stretch goals. We have been spending a lot of time just running around San Diego trying to get together all the parts we need. We almost had a major setback on Saturday when we were working with the mini-fridge. We kind of broke the freon line so all the gas escaped and the fridge is basically broken. We managed to find someone on Craigslist that very same day that was selling a bigger, better fridge. It was a detour of several hours that could have easily morphed into a serious setback. That aside, we’ve been doing really well making steady progress everyday.
Week 8
Decide on and finalize enclosure
Week 9
Solder everything
Mount everything within our determined enclosure
Week 10
Week 8
Compile Redis on BeagleBone Black
Configure to run when web instance is deployed
Week 9
Implement Kue for drinks queue
Mount everything within our determined enclosure
Week 10
Test stability with concurrent MongoDB/Redis Cache
Investigate speeding up website with web caching
Week 8
Responsive layout fixes
Add additional unit options (e.g. ml, dashses)
Week 9
Testing and bugfixes
Week 10
Testing and bugfixes
Week 8
Spearhead effort on newer, better enclosure
Week 9
Implement live menu filtration based on installed drinks
Determine optimal drinks for pre-installation and demo
Week 10
Populate database with valuable recipes based on demo drinks